
Oct 5, 2011

Kid Craft! Paper Pumpkins

My girls got bored the other day so we made these ridiculously easy paper pumpkins. You can use fancier paper and make them for adults, but even the 5 year old did this with little supervision! (also I took the photos on my phone, so ignore the grainy-ness)

Cost: FREE (or $2 if you don't have any paper)
Difficulty: it's for children...

You Need:
paper, scissors, and a glue stick

First, cut your paper into 3 strips, and lay them out in a star shape like so, and glue them down:

 Then... Take opposite sides, pull them up and glue them together, like this: it with the other pieces until you have a ball shape


Next, make your stem with a tiny strip of green paper. I curled mine around a pencil first. The girls did straight ones. 
  And here's the proof that kids can do this::

This is so easy, how could you NOT do it? The pumpkins make nice place setting cards too!

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