Nov 2, 2011

Kayleigh tries to embroider....

For some reason I decided that it was a good idea to make a hand emboidered card. In theory it's a great idea, especially since I have so much thread...
BUT it's harder than it looks, people!

I bought some premade cards at Michael's for $4, and used some thread and needle I already had:
Then, I wrote out the word "Thanks" a bunch of times, chose my best one, and lined it up on top of my card:
Then I used a thumb tack to poke holes tracing the letters. ** DO THIS ON A MAGAZINE! And, be patient, it takes forever.

(I also did a border)

Then I threaded my needle, making a tangled mess of my thread and certainly not doing proper "emboidery technique":
BUT, I do know how to sew a backstitch-- essential for making this look like handwriting. So I began:
And somehow made my "n" look like an "r"... Tharks, everyody....geez.

I kept on going and finished the word, even though I ran out of thread TWICE and had to re thread some more.

Then I thought it was a good idea to do the border, since I had already poked the holes. That itself took about 45 min. AND if you get even one stitch out of place, the whole line looks crooked!

But whatever, it's done and now I know to take my time and get more thread. Oy.

ThaRks for reading....

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