
Dec 21, 2011

Christmas Tree Sweater

What do you do when you are invited to an Ugly Christmas Sweater party, but can't find an ugly sweater?!?! You PANIC!!! That's what you do.

OR, you get to crafting. 

This is a super easy craft so I'm not giving you a step by step. Making a Christmas Tree Sweater involves a hot glue gun and a hand sewing needle so if you can't fill in the blanks of this incomplete how-to then we need to have a little talk...

what you'll need: felt, fabric glue, ric rac, garland, embroidery thread, etc. I also used a small tree topper, some wire, and a head band to make myself a little star hat.
cost: less than $10, but I did have to buy a sweater (Walmart) so count in $12 more.
difficulty level: easy as pie

All you have to do is make some ornaments in different sizes, colors, and patterns. I hot glued a little tree garland to the backs of a few ornaments to add some festive sparkle. Then, I used a hand sewing needle and some embroidery floss to attach them to the sweater. Just tie a little bow and you'll be able to re-wear the sweater if you want to.

Ta-Da! You now have yourself a not so ugly Christmas sweater. You're actually pretty darn cute! ;)

PS. My apologies for the grainy photos... some of these came from my super awesome iPhone (still the 3G...).

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