Sep 7, 2011

Craft Slap!! Get Organized...

Maybe that's a bit much....
But for real, we should all be organized in life, and your crafts are an easy place to start.

If your craft room looks like this, then you can stop reading now (and sell us your house!)

But for the rest of us... we just need something. I wish I had the space for a craft room; alas, I have my tiny room and closet to work with. So I use this little gem from The Container Store (I could LIVE there, I swear):  


Yes, it's shoved in my closet... But it was only $20 and holds almost all of my stuff. You don't have to get this, just get something!

 And work space? Promise not to laugh?? OK... Here: 

I use the bottom shelf of my bookcase, and that's my "timeout bench" haha!'s not much, but it works for me. Now...get busy!
 Love, Kayleigh

P.S. There will be more organization tips later. This is only the beginning!

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